Nature’s Folio has partnered with Zazzle as our print-on-demand product fulfillment merchant partner. We love their business card holders and you will too! Zazzle offers hundreds of other products, as you may know, and if you’d like to see our nature photos on any other products, let us know.
Products marked with { } are fan favorites (and we might like them a little extra, too).
- Desktop Business Card Holders { Sturdy Acrylic }
Made with HD printing, this acrylic desktop business card holder makes a great co-worker gift, first-job gift, or promotion gift.Sold by Zazzle. Produced by Acrylic Idea Factory and shipped from Tuscon, Arizona, US.
- Purse & Pocket Business Card Cases {
} { Polished Metal }
Images and quotes are printed in full color on metal insert attached to metal card holder. Metal case with velvet-like interior and snap closure to protect your business cards and ensure the best first impression.Sold by Zazzle. Produced by Photo USA and shipped from Fremont, California, US.
Motivational Quotes Inspired by Nature